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Become a Mentor Today - LYRIC | Center for LGBTQQ Youth

LYRIC Continues Engaging LGBTQQ+ Youth

During Shelter-in-Place

Hello community,

LYRIC is dedicated to offering services that support vulnerable youth in the community. We pivoted our services to provide one-on-one support, community spaces, and workforce development opportunities to youth through virtual platforms. We have learned many lessons over the past five months about the importance of prioritizing youth engagement during the pandemic. Our staff is committed to connecting with LGBTQQ+ youth, their families, and their allies.

LYRIC continues to provide live phone reception during office hours:

Monday - Friday, 11 am - 6 pm, closed for lunch (1 - 2 pm)

Call us (415) 703-6150 x100

To ensure the safety of all, LYRIC's building will remain closed until further notice, as we asses our needs and create plans to reopen the Purple House.

With love and care,



Youth Surviving COVID-19 Pandemic

Transitional-age youth (TAY) are young people ages 18-24. TAY face a particular set of challenges that have been exacerbated in the pandemic. These challenges include affordable and safe housing, well-paid employment opportunities, and access to dependable health care and mental health services.

LGBTQQ+ youth are the most vulnerable people in this age group, and at LYRIC we have been in direct connection with many of these young people who are trying their best to navigate the pandemic and need extensive community support to survive and thrive in the world.

LYRIC's TAY Leadership team has continued to offer programming that includes professional development, community building, and creative projects with the intention of bridging art and intergenerational healing and solidarity.


Transitional-Age Youth Leadership

The Spring 2020 Cohort of the LYRIC Community Leadership Program (CLP) wanted to provide an easily accessible resource guide for people who are undocumented so they decided to co-create a ‘zine and make sure it was translated in three different languages: Mandarin, Spanish, and English.

ALL TAY Leadership Programs are open to applicants NOW!

Click each program to learn more about eligibility, info sessions, and more.


Become a Mentor Today!

LYRIC's Mentorship Program is looking for 6 Mentors, 30+ years old, to partner with a Mentee and embark on partnership with LYRIC staff to provide community support, professional development, and educational guidance to a young person.

Become a Mentor by contacting Wendy, Mentorship Program Coordinator

call or text (415) 937-4186

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