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  • The Center

Bike Fair

Next Saturday in our neighborhood, we will have an exciting big event for kids: Bike Fair organized by Assemblyman Phil Ting at the Aptos Playground. See attached flyer.

This is brand new to us as we were just contacted about it last Tuesday evening. But we positively and quickly decided to sponsor the event. No payment involved, but simply we will have a table at the event.

This event is targeting biking & walking safety for children. There will be all types of fun and educational games. We will be making this OAA participation a pro-active event to request changes on Ocean Avenue with the help of parents signing a petition. This petition will have the different requests we see as necessary to improve safety on Ocean Avenue, and in particular safety of our children.

We need your help to draw this petition and make it strong & complete so we can show that changes are necessary to make everyone feel safer walking or biking along Ocean Avenue.

So far the changes we see needed are:

- No left turn into Granada allowed for cars going West on Ocean;

- For pedestrians to cross Ocean at Granada: addition of a red light, a STOP sign, or a bright flashing PEDESTRIAN sign activated when needed.

- At Miramar: No right turn at the red light for cars.

- At Miramar on all 4 sides: widening of the crosswalk PLUS enlarge the DO NOT CROSS light for pedestrians at red light.

What other changes do you see as needed?

All signers of this petition will receive an inexpensive but useful reflective child or adult armband. We will collect all names & email addresses of the signers so we can give them updates on the requests; then we'll pass the petitions to Supervisor Melgar requesting action to improve safety along Ocean Avenue.

In addition, let us know if you would like to join us at the table during the event, for an hour or two. Your help is very much welcome.

We hope to hear from you soon so we can finalize this petition promptly and have it printed for Saturday.

Contact: 415 557 2312

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