Today, Mayor London Breed announced the creation of a new volunteer match opportunity – Mon Ami. Mon Ami normally coordinates in-person visits to isolated seniors using its app. However, with the in-person visits on hold, the app has been repurposed to enable volunteers to call isolated seniors for friendly check-ins and to coordinate errand runs for groceries, prescriptions, and other essentials. In partnership with the City, Mon Ami will provide free access to its smartphone app for the month of April to all impacted community members and volunteers. To learn more, please click here: Lastly, as a friendly reminder and as highlighted in previous posts/updates, San Francisco already does have a centralized volunteer page for people who are interested. The COVID-19 Emergency Response Volunteer (“CERV”) program was created in partnership between the City and the Shanti Project. To learn more about CERV, please click here:
- The Center