“Unfinished Work” returns for its 3rd year. This community event is hosted by New Roads School in conjunction with The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Westside Coalition featuring young orators, filmmakers, musicians and artists to move forward the Legacy of Dr. King. We encourage and welcome young people to think deeply, and creatively express themselves as they acknowledge, challenge, disrupt, and shine a light on institutional and structural racism from their perspective. Young people are encouraged to use their ‘voice’ to reflect on the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. and offer commentary on the unfinished work of today. Students are invited to craft a speech or produce a short film for submission for this virtual event. If you know a young person that might be interested in submitting a film or oratory piece, then please have them visit www.newroads.org/mlk to learn more.
Sincerely, Mark Vickers-Willis Director of Community Engagement