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  • The Center

Experience an AMIGOS program activity for FREE: Design Sprint

Saludos from AMIGOS! Welcome back from T-day break. And speaking of a break, I have an invite for a free service-focused activity for your students.

At AMIGOS, we wanted to create something fun, free and breezy to offer educators, counselors and their students so join our Program teams next Thursday, December 10th at 3 PM Pacific as they lead a 90-minute Design Sprint!

What is a Design Sprint?

Watch this 2 minute video to see what we’ve been up to during the last 6 months! A Design Sprint is a time-constrained, collaborative activity where we swiftly move through the phases of Design Thinking to come up with a solution to a problem and narrow it down to an achievable project. It’s a fast paced, collaborative, all hands-on deck experience where bad ideas don’t exist. Wild ideas, humor, and innovation are warmly welcomed! Student will receive a certificate for participation in case you have any youth who need extra credit.

Spots are limited so please share with your students and RSVP here to reserve your space.

Over 150 students from across the Americas have participated in this fun and interactive experience through our virtual program called the Community Impact Project (CIP) and 97% have said that the program exceeded their expectations. We have scheduled a series of 3 Design Sprints in the coming months to give students and educators the opportunity to sample our newest program. You can join any of these session as a participant or an observer.

RSVP here to reserve your space.

Warmest wishes for a safe rest of the year - I am always here so reach out anytime!

Warmly, Krista

Krista Boscoe

Director, Bay Area


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