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Ocean Avenue AssociationCommunity Update


Hello everyone,

It’s been 4-1/2 months now since I began my position at the Ocean Avenue Association. I have had the chance to meet many property owners, business owners and neighbors. My first priority has been the cleanliness and safety on Ocean Avenue and we are making progress.

As you may know, I have been a resident in the area for close to 25 years. In 2012, I started the neighborhood SF Turkey Drive at St. Emydius. This year is the 10th anniversary. We basically collect turkeys from neighbors and friends that we bring to the St. Anthony’s Dining Room in the Tenderloin to feed those who need it the most. This oldest soup kitchen in San Francisco welcomes everyone who walks in for a meal, and they get fed 365 days a year, no questions asked.

In the past 3 years alone, this neighborhood SF Turkey Drive has provided enough food and funds to prepare over 110,000 meals! Yes, an amazing number from right here in the Ingleside and surrounding Districts! This Saturday, November 20, between 9 am and 12:30 pm, we will be welcoming donations of turkeys (frozen preferably), or boxes of fresh vegetables (from folks who rather not purchase animal products).

Drop-off site: 350 De Montfort Avenue (at Jules, a block from Ocean Avenue) in San Francisco, across the street from St Emydius Church.

Donations by checks made payable to St. Anthony can also be brought to the drop-off site, or mailed to:

SF Turkey Drive, c/o St Emydius, 286 Ashton Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94112.

Donations by credit card can easily be made online at

When you stop by on Saturday, it may get busy, but I would love to meet and thank you personally for your donation.

Wishing you the best for a Happy Thanksgiving!


Pierre Smit

Executive Director

Ocean Avenue Association

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