The Mayor’s Youth Employment and Education Program (MYEEP) is a collaborative of non-profit organizations that provides workforce development to youth in 11 different neighborhoods in San Francisco.
Our mission is to provide job readiness training, work experience, academic support, and personal development to San Francisco youth challenged in their attempt to access employment.
MYEEP prepares each youth with a three-month training period designed to help them build competencies and skills so that they will be successful in the workplace. MYEEP provides 60 hours of training through an interactive curriculum specifically written for high school aged youth.
The curriculum is based on the Framework for the 21st Century Learning and youth development principles. The curriculum is facilitated through workshops that employ an emphasis on building self-efficacy, asset based learning and experiential education. Topics include:
Time Management
Critical Thinking
Career Exploration
Financial Literacy
Building Community
Over the course of the Training Period, each youth is asked to think about their personal, educational and career goals and how they will achieve them. This information forms the basis of a Development Plan that will be presented through a presentation to a panel of staff, worksite supervisors, peers and parents.
Upon completion of the Training Period, youth are matched with internships at one of MYEEP’s partnering worksites. Matches are made based on both the interests and skill set of the youth as well as the requirements of the worksite. During the Fall Program (January- April) interns work 8 hours a week at their respective worksite. Hours are increased for our Summer Program (June- August) where interns work 20 hours per week.