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Summer Camp - Paid Internship

Due to the pandemic, the National ACS has cancelled all in-lab research assignments for 2021 SEED students. However, a virtual summer camp is planned for June 21-July 30. I invite your students to apply, by visiting The application process will open for 4 weeks in about late March or April, so please keep trying the site. As of now, ACS is not quite ready to go live. The applicant will have to provide documentation of financial need as in the past. However, ACS will also accept evidence such as a student's family receiving food stamps. The student's transcript will be required, showing that the student has or is taking chemistry.

Students are required to fill out the application form online, which includes 3 short questions about goals after high school, previous STEM experiences, and reasons for wanting to do SEED. Applicants may have questions using this process. Please do not hesitate to contact me; my contact information is shown below. Dr. Michael Cheng, a member of the CA Section, ACS, and the National SEED Committee, will also answer questions; his email contact is:, and his cell phone number is: 510-798-1048.

Sincerely yours,

E. S. Yamaguchi

Coordinator, CA Section, ACS SEED program

Fellow, ACS

Fellow, Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE)

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