Purpose: This collection of available community resources was created by the Youth Advisory Council (YAC) of API Legal Outreach (APILO). It is intended to be a library of different community resources that are available for youth (aged 12-24) to access. The resources come from a variety of different government organizations, non-profits, or other community-centered institutions dedicated for our well-being during the COVID-19 epidemic. This project is maintained, updated, and powered by youth for youth to address our specific needs.
About Us: The Youth Advisory Council is a group of Bay Area high school students that collaborate together to address social and political issues affecting Asian Pacific Islander (API) communities. Since its inception in 1997, YAC has placed specific emphasis on building healthy relationships and preventing gender-based violence. Through presentations, advocacy campaigns, and community organizing, YAC members make change on community, statewide, and local levels. YAC members are interns of API Legal Outreach.
For more information on YAC and API Legal Outreach, please visit our websites below.
YAC and APILO make no claim on the accuracy of the resources listed across our sheet. To the best of our human ability, we are confirming the validity and origin of everything posted on this compilation. For any discrepencies regarding the accuracy of the listed resources, please contact us at yp@apilegaloutreach.org.
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